Medical Weight Loss
Many clients come in to see us with the goal of losing weight. At Healing Alternatives, we understand how important it is for your body to be a comfortable and healthy weight. But, we also know this can be a difficult process, emotionally and physically. For this reason, we have a number of ways that we can help with your weight loss goals. Our mission is to create an individualized process for each client, helping to make sure they reach goals in a safe manner.
Below are the programs we’ve had success with at the clinic. The descriptions are overviews of broad based programs, but depending on your goal and needs we can tailor each program for you individually.
Medical Weight Loss Programs
Take a Healthy Leap Forward and Never Look Back
Functional Food Shakes
For a weight loss and detoxification protocol, we carry Xymogen’s functional food shakes. These powder based shakes are paired with a modified elimination diet to create a healthy detoxification and weight loss program for one month. Typically weight loss is 5-10 pounds over the month of detoxification and continued weight loss is dependent on the creation of an ongoing program including diet, exercise and shakes. We have shakes and other modified diet instructions to continue the program after the first month of detoxification and weight loss.
Shake Options:
OptiCleanse GHI – Weight loss, Gastrointestinal Detoxification, Liver Support, Multivitamins and Minerals
OptiCleanse Plus – Weight loss, Excess Hormonal Detoxification, Liver Support, Multivitamins and Minerals
Why might you have a hard time losing weight?
There could be other reasons you are not be able to lose weight. There can be many underlying problems that are keeping your from losing weight. When we meet with you personally, we can investigate the following list of indications.
Blood Sugar Irregularities
Parasitic Infection
Toxic Cellular Build Up
Slow Thyroid
Depression - Stress/Comfort Eating
Fluid Retention
Lymphatic Obstruction
Many more…
We have natural herbal, botanical and homeopathic remedies that can help rectify the above problems.
Sometimes a complete overhaul of your lifestyle is not absolutely necessary. Clearing up one or more of these indications can help your body achieve a state of balance.
It is our goal to create a program that works best for you and your lifestyle. Positive Intent Leads to Ultimate Success!
The greatest health care challenge of the twenty-first century is keeping our bodies functioning in an environment that is becoming increasingly polluted. Detoxification and cleansing programs have been key components of supporting good health since the beginnings of natural health, even as far back as 420 BC with the teachings of Hippocrates. After all, gastrointestinal health is the cornerstone of optimal wellness. We must detoxify the body and its elimination systems often, allowing for the consistent drainage of toxins.
Our food supply has undergone tremendous changes since the Agricultural Revolution, especially in the last century. We are bombarded with processed “dead” foods, which do not include the nutrients that we need to thrive. The shift has been rapid and our bodies, literally, have not had enough time to adapt to these radical changes. Returning to our original eating patterns on a regular basis allows our bodies the opportunity to cleanse and renew itself.
The goal of detoxification is to eliminate the foods in our diets to which we have become addicted, both physically and emotionally. As creatures of habit, we subconsciously choose from the same few food items for our meals. Part of this behavior may be attributed to the dominance of certain foods, advertising and the convenient nature of some of these foods. Periodically changing our eating habits gives our bodies a chance to rest from its normal digestive and detoxification functions, thereby giving it the opportunity to do some internal cleansing.
While regular detoxification is important as part of a general wellness program, your body may be giving you signals that it is time to detoxify. Some of these include:
heavy metal accumulation
gastrointestinal problems
chronic constipation
skin conditions
chronic infections
chronic fatigue syndrome
chronic yeast infections
food addictions
depression &/or anxiety
autoimmune diseases – such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, etc
Reasons to detoxify are numerous.
Regular detoxification improves health and vitality.
Detoxifying gives our overloaded digestive and eliminative organs a chance to rest and clear out any accumulated toxins.
Detoxifying helps to clear addictions, improve symptoms, treat disease and prevent chronic disease.
Detoxifying on a regular basis is an important factor in keeping our bodies strong and well.
Schedule a week of detoxifying at least twice a year as part of an ongoing commitment to health and wellness.
What constitutes a "toxin"?
When we talk of detoxification, there is usually some confusion about what constitutes a "toxin." Toxin is a word that is used loosely to describe any substance that creates irritating or harmful effects on the body. Without regular detoxification, these substances accumulate in our tissues and fat, and may cause inflammation, irritation and degeneration. Over time, the presence of these substances can lead to degenerative and chronic diseases such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and even cancer.
Toxins are generated from both our internal and external environment. Our body produces toxic substances as part of our regular metabolism and in response to stress. The bacteria and yeast that inhabit the colon also produces some toxins as part of their metabolisms. Smoking cigarettes, marijuana, recreational drugs and the regular consumption of alcohol and coffee as well as the vast array of additives, hormones, antibiotics and chemicals that are present in our food, water and air all add to the overall toxic load. Another aspect to consider is the presence of heavy metals, which may contribute to overall poor health. Heavy metals can be found in mercury amalgam dental fillings, paints, solvents and chemicals which may be found in the workplace, and sometimes, even our food and water.
How do I get rid of toxins?
Detoxification techniques include fasting, diet modification, herbal and homeopathic supplementation with support for organs of elimination and detoxification. Fasting is very quick and can be very effective; however, it may be too quick and is not the best choice for everyone. Therefore, fasting should only be done under the supervision of a qualified health care professional. We find the best way to get rid of toxins is a combination of supplements, homeopathics and diet changes. We recommend a modified elimination diet, available to clients at any time as well as a personalized combination of supplements and homeopathics. Supplements help provide healing nutrition as the body detoxifies and homepathics reach deep within the cell to pull out toxins and drain them from the body.