Functional Nutrition
1-to-1 Food shopping and cooking experience (4 or 6 hours)
Are you not quite sure how to navigate the grocery store to shop in a healthy way? Maybe you need help clearing the kitchen of unhealthy foods or want advice on kitchen items that support a healthy and low-toxin cooking environment? Do you want to cook nutritious meals but need a helping hand to get started? Don't feel overwhelmed! Just tell me your specific challenges and together we will ensure you are set up for success!
1-to-1 Consultation (initial consultation 2 hours)
During our 2-hour initial consultation, we will review your intake questionnaire and take a deep dive into your health goals, health and medical history, diet, lifestyle, stress, and other influences, to obtain the best possible picture of what factors may be influencing your current health status.
Together we will develop an initial nutritional and lifestyle program* specifically tailored to your needs. This will typically include diet and lifestyle modifications, supplementation (where appropriate), functional laboratory testing recommendations**, and/or medical referrals as necessary.
Please keep in mind that addressing health concerns and achieving meaningful change takes patience and dedication from both client and practitioner. I am 100% committed to supporting you regain your health and vitality, and firmly believe that entering a mid-to-long-term health partnership (3 months +) is the most effective way to accomplish this goal. This is why we offer several package options.
Package Options:
1 hour - $150.00
10 hours - $1350.00 (10% discount)
15 hours - $1912.50 (15% discount)
* You will leave the session with a folder of resources and an initial diet and lifestyle plan we developed during our consultation.
**Functional testing recommendations and orders will be taken care of at the visit through physicians at the practice. Please note that functional testing and supplement costs are additional to the consultation package price.